Scandinavia is often ahead of the rest of the world in social and environmental standards and the Ursvik recycling plant is a great example of Nordic forward thinking. 800 local homes will have their household rubbish quite literally sucked directly to the recycling centre. Our four-strong installation team has just finished installing a 250m² green wall – consisting of more than 2000 plant modules – in under four days. The particularly clever part is that, using a microchip installed into the irrigation panel and hooked up to WiFi, we can control all the irrigation needs remotely from our head office in Chichester. Our team was popular with the locals too; the building’s neighbours and passers-by often stopped to chat about how much they love the concept and how they can’t wait to watch the wall develop and transform through the seasons.
With minimal maintenance, this green wall will withstand the fluctuations in temperature easily and provide lush greenery for years to come. And of course the visual and symbolic elements aren’t the only benefit: green walls filter all sorts of toxins and pollution to make the air around much cleaner, and they’re even proven to extend the lifespan of the building itself. Now that’s sustainability…