Every school in London is over the WHO limit.
Now this is pretty scary stuff.
We don’t wish to be a part of the scaremongering, but we do believe in the importance of educating our children, our future, about air quality and what it means.
An issue that is relevant to so many children around the country, we hope to educate and spread awareness on not only the dangers of air pollution, but what we can do to tackle this problem together.
Check out what we did to turn this school from one of the most polluted schools to the greenest in just 3 weeks...

Building a good foundation of knowledge from an early age on the significance of putting measures in place to create cleaner places to live, work and learn is hugely important in the building of a better future.
We’ve created this education pack to explain and open up air quality, discussing what we can do to make our environments healthier.
Featuring in the booklet is the ‘Design your own living wall’ competition. We’re asking pupils, parents, children and teachers to design their dream vertical garden – the more creative the better!
The prize is your very own Living Canvas…
Take a look at our Living Wall Education Pack to find out more about how living walls ensure children breathe clean air at school. We would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you more about the role plants could play in improving air quality, health and wellbeing at your school. You can also enter our fun competition to give you and your pupils a chance to win a living canvas!